Episode 03 Text and Sources
Hear the podcast here: https://www.spreaker.com/user/14101666/episode-03-pedestrian-pandemic Broken Planet Headlines 3 1. Beginning with recent science, a study published in the journal Nature reveals that bottom-trawling for fish in the world's oceans is responsible for 1 billion tonnes of underwater emissions each year, a figure higher than the pre-pandemic total for all commercial aviation. Trawlers drag weighted nets across seabeds, scooping up diverse lifeforms and disturbing the carbon stored in the sediment, resulting in carbon dioxide. The authors of the study are hoping to calculate the amount of CO2 that ends up in the atmosphere by the end of this year, and are calling for the numbers to be included in countries' greenhouse gas inventories at international negotiations. Oceans are estimated to currently absorb around 30% of human emissions. Many analysts believe that without government subsidies the practice would not be financially viable ...